
Is an international organization that promotes social entrepreneurship.

The video shows a young girl who can’t fit ind the last piece of her puzzle. Her dad comes in, he believes in her and gives her strength.


Our interpretation of the brief

Demonstrate a campaign for educators and parents,
to be positive influencers of young people’s minds
and be successful leaders to provide tools and help needed.

A group project in collaboration with Ashoka, at Hyper Island 2018.

Casper Nycopp, Kristine Notar, Jacob Kroon, Louise Åslund, Johan Falkenberg, Emelie Taimi and Kristian Emil.

Personal role:
Co-concept, 3D assets and animator

We now live in a changemaker world.

Ashoka builds and cultivates a community of change leaders who see that the world now requires everyone to be a changemaker. Together, we collaborate to transform institutions and cultures worldwide so they support changemaking for the good of society.

This was also an exercise to mimic a real studio – juggling two briefs at the same time and having specific roles through out the project.
Here’s a view of our very tight WIP schedule.

Screenshot 2018-11-18 at 21.32.16.jpg