This is a “Wake up call” to inform about how much time is being spent and wasted, and the missed opportunities, when you are using your cellphone too much.
A Hyper Island group project 2017:
Albin, Katarina, Sol, Yiqun, Fredrik and Kristian Emil.
Personal role:
Project Manager, Art Director, Character Design and Storyboard and scriptwriter.
A group project about solving social issues.
In this case, we took up the addiction of phone usage. What are we missing out on? and what can we have in turn?
We want to motivate our audience to look up and away from their phones and seize the opportunities that life offers. The audience already knows they spend too much time “looking down”, but they are too comfortable to change. We want to scare, warn and inform the audience with this reminder that life is not unlimited nor endless. Honesty is key.
Primary group: Millennials ( age 15 - 20 ), people who use their phone daily for more than phone calls, and wants to change their habits.
Secondary group: Siblings, friends, “social celebrities” that influence our primary group.
Character designs as children and as they grow up.
Colours chosen to invoke curiosity and creativity, activate memory, uplifts and encourage communication.
Group dynamics and orginazasion
We tried to mimic a realistic 2-week project, scheduling work hours, splitting tasks to optimise workflow and enjoying each other’s company in the dark of winter.